
Find out the latest news and activities of CAST Mozambique

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Project News

Find out the latest news and activities of CAST Mozambique




CAST Mozambique's First Anniversary

The prestigious Austrian newspaper “Der Standard” has written an article on CAST Mozambique, discussing the potential for sustainable tourism in Mozambique, as well as challenges ahead. This interview with project leader Claudia Dolezal was published both in PRINT and as ONLINE version. We are extremely thrilled that our project is gaining such attention in Austria!





The first CAST Mozambique capacity training has taken place at the IMC Krems in Austria and it was a great success! Between the 17th and the 22nd of June we were able to welcome 4 of our Mozambican partners at the IMC Krems to engage in training on how to successfully teach at Master’s level, how to develop a Master’s degree and how to incorporate new teaching methods in the classroom. The Capacity Building also featured guest lectures and discussions on teaching the Master’s students at the IMC, as well as project meetings to discuss the results of the ESHTI staff survey and better understand the needs for training as part of the project. An agrotourism excursion in Lower Austria rounded off the programme and gave an insight into how agriculture and tourism in Austria link in practise, finishing off with a visit at the funding agency OeAD. An article with details on the training will be published soon on the OeAD website. 




CAST Mozambique's First Anniversary

As CAST Mozambique is celebrating its first anniversary, the IMC University of Applied Sciences is reporting on the project, its aim as well as the tasks that have been achieved so far. The article has further been linked to the CAST website to draw attention to the full details of the project. Thank you to the IMC for posting this also on social media! The English version of the article can be found here.






At today’s team meeting we have welcomed our new members of the project team, Pelagio Maxlhaieie and Ernesto Macaringue, who will support us with project administrative and managerial tasks on the Mozambican side. Further discussion points was the first visit in Austria this year to start of our training activities as well as the APPEAR PhD scholarship, which will enable a Mozambican student to register for a PhD programme at an Austrian university, in collaboration with the IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.





At today’s team meeting the first visits in Austria and Mozambique were discussed, including the stakeholder consultation that will bring together key stakeholders from the tourism industry to understand the needs in regards of a new MA degree in sustainable tourism. The team has designed a survey for ESHTI staff that will help us understand the needs for training and deliver the first training workshops. Stay tuned for more! 






The needs analysis survey for CAST Mozambique is available for ESHTI staff soon. The survey was developed in collaboration with the IMC and ESHTI project team and is designed to gather insights on current teaching and sustainable tourism skills and knowledge and identify areas for improvement. The survey covers a range of topics, including current teaching and expertise, teaching methodology, research and innovation, and digitalisation. The CAST Mozambique project team is committed to create training incentives that fill the needs of the current ESHTI staff so to develop this from the bottom up and to create new courses that meet the needs of students, business and the community. The needs assessment survey is an important step in this process.




The CAST Mozambique Project Moves Ahead​

The CAST Mozambique Project, which aims to strengthen the Master of Arts (MA) program at the Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) in Mozambique, is making steady progress. The project team is currently conducting a thorough needs analysis to gather valuable insights from students, lecturers, and industry representatives. These findings will be instrumental in developing a comprehensive feasibility study and a robust proposal for the MA degree program. To further engage stakeholders and gather their input, a stakeholder consultation will be organized in Mozambique. The project team will also embark on a field research trip to Mozambique, where they will meet with stakeholders and gain a deeper understanding of the local context. A comprehensive training program will be designed to prepare teachers to effectively deliver the MA curriculum. Simultaneously, the project team will identify potential field sites and rural partners in Mozambique to expand the reach and impact of the MA program. Committed to making a positive difference in Mozambique’s higher education landscape, the CAST Mozambique Project team remains steadfast in its mission to strengthen the MA program’s foundation and contribute to the country’s academic excellence.




APPEAR PhD Scholarship

CAST Mozambique is offering a PhD scholarship to support research on agrotourism/rural tourism development in Mozambique. The scholarship is open to students and professionals from APPEAR partner institutions in Mozambique. The successful candidate will receive comprehensive financial support, including a monthly scholarship instalment, travel costs, and additional grants. Priority for the scholarship and conference participation is given to female students. More information on the APPEAR PhD Scholarship can be found here: CAST Mozambique Job Description PhD Student APPEAR




First Project Meeting

The first project meeting took place on July 11, 2023 to discuss the framework for the PhD scholarship and the first steps for the needs analysis that forms the basis for the new Master’s degree. The needs analysis will be conducted through an online survey with members of staff at ESHTI to understand the current needs in regards to training. The project members are excited to continue working on this project and to make a positive impact on the development of the Mozambican tourism industry.




Kick Off Meeting CAST Mozambique​

On April 27, 2023, the first kick-off meeting for CAST Mozambique took place. All project members from Austria (IMC) and Mozambique (UEM) were present. The first milestone was set, first steps and tasks were discussed, and goals defined. We are excited for the challenging and interesting tasks that lie ahead of us. More information on the aims of the research project can be found here.


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